Friday, December 9, 2011

Long time no post!!!

Wow...My last post was on Sept 22!!  I'm a terrible blogger! lol...I've been so busy and have had computer problems...But I'm back and hopefully I can get back to post more regular again. :)

I'm excited to say that I am now a proud owner of a Cricut Imagine!!  I did it!  I took the plunge and purchased for a steal on Black Friday...I haven't had much chance to play with too much but I love it so far!!

Hope to post a project soon!!

Have a great night!!


  1. Nice to see you again :) Congrats on getting an Imagine - I am jealous! Hope you get a chance to play with it soon!

  2. Hope you enjoy your new toy. Come stop by and see some of my new creations.

    Carson's Creations
