Thursday, May 26, 2011

Throwback Thursday "Green and Yellow"

Hi Again!!

I know its been what seems like forever since I've posted a project, so I thought I'd make a birthday card for my Dad using the challenge for Emma's Throwback Thursday Challenge.  The challenge is to create a project using the colors "green" and "yellow". And using an older cricut cart!!

For this card I kept it pretty simple.  I used the Plantin Schoolbook cartridge for the hearts.  I figured since is was for my Dad I could get away with using hearts!!! :)  

Thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. This is super cute. I love the yellow and green with the brown. So cute! Hugs- Glora

  2. The simplicity of the card is great. I do like the green and yellow paper.

  3. Your card is just PERFECT my friend!! Thank you for playig aling w/the challenge!
    Big Gypsy hugs,

  4. Wonderful Card. Great Job on it.

  5. What a precious card! Those colors and patterns work so well together! Thanks for playing along with My Creative Time's Throwback Thursday Challenge!
