Saturday, March 26, 2011

Liebster Blog Award!!

I received my second blog award yesterday!!  Jess from Scrappin' One Page At A Time awarded me this Liebster Award!!  Thanks again!!

Now I get to award 5 wonderful blogs with the same award!!

Check them out:

1.  Kimberly's Crafty Spot
2.  Paper, Glitter, Stamps
3.  Scrappin' 2 Little Princesses
4.  The Accidental Scrapbook
5.  Green Scrappin' Machine

As a recipient of this award you must do the following:

1. Thank the giver on your blog

2. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award

3. Copy and paste the award on your blog

4. Reveal your 5 blog picks

5. Let them know you chose them by leaving them a comment



  1. Thank you so much for choosing my blog. This is my first blog award and I am so excited!---Rachel

  2. Congrats on your award! :)
    I came over from Momo's and am a new follower. If you would like to stop by my blog and follow me the address is:

  3. Thank you very much for the blog award. I am new follower!
