Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another Blog Award!!

I woke up this morning and to my surprise, I have received another blog award!!! That's two in one week!!!  This award is "The Versatile Blogger Award".  This award came from Ashley over at Welch Creations.  Go check her out!!

Here are the rules for this award:

1. Thank the person who sent it to you!

2. Tell us 7 things about yourself

3. Reward this to 15 bloggers

7 Things About Me

1. I have only had my Cricut for a year!!

2. I will be 30 on my next birthday...

3. I love getting mail, even if it's a bill, lol

4. I despise doing laundry (Who doesn't, right?)

5. I can't swim...Just never learned how.

6. We went to Disney World last May and I gained 5 pounds in one week!! Still haven't lost it! lol

7. I'm soooo ready for Summer.  I live in East TN and our winter has lasted nearly 6 months this year!

And now I am passing this award on to:  Go leave this ladies some love!! :)

1.   Homemade Happiness
2.   Mrs. BZB Creates
3.   Cricut Mania
4.   Cool Cricut Creations
5.   Fun Paper Creations
6.   Bugaloo's Scraproom
7.   Craft-A-Holic Momma
8.   Sassy and Scrappy
9.   Scrappin' Fish Memories and More
10. Pumpkin Butts
11. Tisha's Craft Cove
12. Empty Nest Boutique
13. More Fun Scraps
14. My Creative Therapy
15. Visions of Paper


  1. Thank you so much! I will be sure to get this posted and link back to you very soon! I am also a new follower! :)

  2. OMG! Thank you ever so much! I love ur blog!

