Thursday, September 2, 2010

Girls Rule!!

Hello Everyone!!

I hope everyone is having a great day!!  I just got the Cricut Lite cart "Slumber Party"!!  It's too cute!!  I made this cut card while my 14 month old was napping!!  I cut the cellphone and all layers at 3 3/4 inches.  I didn't add the little numbers on the button, they were way too tiny!!  This paper stack is from Big Lots...Only $5 for a HUGE stack.  I love the colors and patterns in it.  Can't remember the name of it though, lol.  I thought this would be a cute card for a pre-teen!!  It has such fun colors and of course the cell phone!!  Just wanted to share my newest card creation!!  Hope you like it!!

Thanks for stopping by!

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