Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Flower birthday card

Hi everyone!!! I now have 13 followers! I know that's not many compared to other blogs but to me it's very exciting!! I'm also at nearly 1000 hits! Yay!

Ok, the card for today was made for my co-worker. She is a good friend, plus I needed an excuse to make a card, lol! It's a regular A2 size card. The ran the first layer through my cuttlebug using the Bloom Dots cuttlebug folder. The flower was cute using the Serenade cartridge. I stamped "Happy Birthday", added the ribbon, and then the buttons. This card turned out cute and simple!!

I have several more cards to post in the next few days. My youngest daughter is turning 1 next month and I made a VERY cute card for her. So check back for that post!!!

1 comment:

  1. Omg,. I still get this feeling every time there is a new follower on my blog! So proud of you! :) Keep up the creations and the followers will come! Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations! :)
    <3 Holly
